General Information

List­ed below you will find the dates and links for the live trans­mis­sion of the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass of the Sword-Bish­op as well as the PDF doc­u­ment of the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass in Eng­lish for down­load­ing. The cur­rent Sun­day link will be active on the Vimeo plat­form approx. 10 min­utes before the spec­i­fied time.


Should any prob­lems arise dur­ing the live trans­mis­sion, we kind­ly ask you to con­tact an on-site tech­ni­cian. We can­not offer you any tech­ni­cal sup­port for this. Impor­tant: a smooth trans­mis­sion requires an ade­quate and sta­ble inter­net connection.


Should tech­ni­cal prob­lems occur on our part dur­ing the live trans­mis­sion, we will inform you about it with­in a few min­utes by e‑mail and, if nec­es­sary, pro­vide you with an alter­na­tive solu­tion. Please also check the spam fold­er of your e‑mail account in case our mes­sage is fil­tered out by mistake.


The login pass­word is only intend­ed for your per­son­al use and should not be shared with oth­ers; oth­er per­sons inter­est­ed may please con­tact us them­selves. The respec­tive livestreams are also for per­son­al use only and not to be used for com­mer­cial purposes.


When­ev­er pos­si­ble, the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass should be cel­e­brat­ed at the same time as the live broad­cast. Those who are pre­vent­ed from attend­ing due to urgent appoint­ments can watch it after­wards; the record­ing remains stored for a few days.


We ask you to behave prop­er­ly at home whilst attend­ing the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass, as the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass is the high­est good that we pos­sess on earth.

The Sword-Bish­op cel­e­brates the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass in Ger­man. Eng­lish-speak­ing per­sons can down­load the Mass texts as a PDF document.