Live Transmissions of the Sword-Bishop


Attend the Holy Sac­ri­fice of the Mass of the Sword-Bish­op live on Sun­days! Who­ev­er is inter­est­ed, please fill in the con­tact form under “Reg­is­tra­tion” so that the access data can be sent by e‑mail.


Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


At the begin­ning of his priest­hood the Sword-Bish­op cel­e­brat­ed the Tri­den­tine Mass in the Ger­man lan­guage because GOD said to him: “I want you to pray word for word with your heart!” The Tri­den­tine Mass is a human work of art, of schol­ars, of aca­d­e­mics, yet GOD once said to him: “Look, Niko­laus, the whole Tri­den­tine Mass does not even once con­tain the word ‘love’! Nev­er­the­less, the Holy Mass is the crown­ing of love, of My love. The time will come that through the grace of the HOLY SPIRIT you will com­plete this! The love that I am going to teach you will sup­ply the blood that will flow through this rigid­i­ty! And this is going to be the renewal!”


GOD then required from the Sword-Bish­op: “Niko­laus, write a Holy Mass which nowa­days pleas­es Me!” He resist­ed GOD’s urg­ing for ten years, until one day he stood at the Altar and did not know any­thing any more. He was like a fool although he def­i­nite­ly knew the Sac­ri­fice of the Mass by heart. Then he per­ceived the calm voice of the SAVIOUR: “Now go and write!” He went into his office and with­in three days He had writ­ten the Sac­ri­fice of the Mass as he and his bish­ops and priests cel­e­brate it. 


Who is the Sword-Bishop?


GOD schooled the Sword-Bish­op, whom He calls His per­son­al Instru­ment, since his ear­li­est child­hood for the pur­pose of train­ing him for a very dark time, in which we are now, in the Church, pol­i­tics and the world.


Man­i­fold tri­als and adver­si­ties, but also deep­est mys­ti­cal expe­ri­ences mould­ed his life. Then the time was ripe that in the will of GOD the epis­co­pal con­se­cra­tion was con­ferred on him by a bish­op in apos­tolic suc­ces­sion. And GOD spoke to him: «Be you My Sword-Bish­op! You are there to teach the igno­rant, to expose the secret machi­na­tions of Satan and to renew the Church in the HOLY SPIRIT.»


Espe­cial­ly the des­e­cra­tion of the Church became a most pro­found dai­ly aton­ing suf­fer­ing for the Sword-Bish­op. Again and again he must go through the vio­la­tion of CHRIST’s Bride in ter­ri­ble mys­ti­cal visions. – He heard GOD’s voice say, “Niko­laus, take My Church with you!” as he walked down the steps of St Peter’s, in an inner tur­moil of dis­tress about the decay of the Church. – The words of Rev­e­la­tions 18,2ff seem to come true: “Fall­en, fall­en is Baby­lon the great, …”


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